RedDocs Researcher Documentation

Template for lab and code documentation



The RedDocs template is intended for researchers to use to easily deploy lab and code documentation! This is a Jekyll site, meaning that it is incredibly easy to contribute to. How easy?

RedDocs is a template you can easily customize for your code and lab documentation, and publish on Github pages. You can preview the theme, or go directly to download.


Clone, make changes to files in _docs and _config.yml and push to Github! More specifically:

      git clone
      cd template-jekyll-docs

1. Option 1: Docker

Download docker, download the template to a folder, and run a container:

      docker run --label=jekyll --volume=$(pwd):/srv/jekyll -it -p jekyll/jekyll

Then go to in your browser to see the site! Make changes, add the files to your github folder (either the master branch of your user or organization repo (a repo named in the format or the gh-pages branch of another repo, which will appear at

2. Option 2: Run Locally

Install Jekyll and then run with:

      jekyll serve

Need help?

Check out the demo, and for feature requests please submit an issue. This is a work in progress, and much change is expected. Specifically:

Special Thanks

Huge props to mkdocs-material by squidfunk the base material design template that we converted to Jekyll, and to @killian for getting us started with the hugo version!

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